Submit Sizl - Finance Product Service - Business

  • Basic Info
  • Finance a Product or Service Select Any and All that ApplyBusiness Financing
  • Please Select the Amount Requested.Choose one if applicable.
  • Please Select the Amount of Credit Preferred.Choose one if applicable.
  • Type of Credit CardChoose one if applicable.
  • Now Rate Your CreditOur Network works with all Credit Types.
  • Customize Your SizlTell us more about the Business
    by filling out the Sizl Custom Quote Form.
    Optional but Important.
  • Business History
  • Ownership Type
  • Purpose of Funding
  • Industry Type
  • Preferred Funding Type
  • Financing to Buy or Sell
    a / your Business?
  • What is Average Sale?
  • Have any Current Loan Balances?
  • Preferred Timeframe to Receive
    Business Funding?
  • Tell us About Your Product or Service?
  • What is the Average Price of Your Product or Service?
  • On Average How Many Units are in Each Order?
  • Tell us about Your Customer and why they are Buying today?
  • Please ask your Customer if they are A, B, C or D paper?
  • Whom Receives the Proceeds of this Sale if Funded?
  • Has this Customer been Declined Previous to this Submission?
  • If so, why?
  • What level of Positive Impact will this make on the Business Referral and the Community?
  • How Solid is this Referral?
  • Your Agent Information
  • Sizl monitors the quality of all submissions.
    No wooden tickets!
    *If you click "Submit" and you don't see a
    "confirmation" page please resubmit.

Sizl’s Network of lenders work with all credit types.
All referral submissions are subject to credit approval, and are not guaranteed approved.
Business Terminals must be installed and processing before approval.
All Business Funding must be approved and funded.
Terms & Conditions apply.

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VeriFone VX 520 ecopay
GoGreen Machine